
SafestPlayground News Articles
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Are Our Playgrounds (and Industry-Related Fall Safety Standards) Really Safe?
by Michael Baldwin, CPSI, September 8, 2014
An informative and educational article which highlights potential problems and issues with the current U.S. playground fall safety standards,
methods of testing, and addresses different types of common playground safety surfaces. It includes cited references and standards,
as well as a list of numerous additional playground safety resources.
Five Questions with Michael Baldwin...
Safety Inspector Makes Play Time Safer for Youth in Irvine
Comments and clarifications about the news article by Deepa Bharath in the Sept. 18, 2014 issue of Irvine World News,
a weekly publication of the Orange County Register, Santa Ana, CA
Comments and clarifications by Michael Baldwin, CPSI, with a link to the Irvine World News article hosted on the O.C. Register website.
News Author Contact Info & Mailing Address
Michael Baldwin
2973 Harbor Blvd., Suite 228
Costa Mesa, CA 92626 USA
(855) 758-7780
Click HERE to send Michael an eMail.