Online Links
We made the text link for each website big and bold, and clicking any or all of them will open up a
new browser window with that website. If you would like to more quickly access specific playground safety documents on some of
these websites, please visit our Resources page.
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
Playground Safety page for the CPSC's updated online resources, including their Publication 325: Public
Playground Safety Handbook, as well as tons of additional guides, checklists, and other useful information.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
CDC listing of online playground-related data and resources.
SafeKids Worldwide
Safe Kids Worldwide is a global organization dedicated to preventing injuries in children, the number one killer
of kids in the United States. Great safety-related online information from one of the most valuable international resources.
National Program for Playground Safety (NPPS)
Created in October 1995 to help communities across the nation examine the critical issues surrounding playground safety, the NPPS provides
online access to lots of specific playground safety information.
Playground Professionals (PGP)
The online presence for Playground magazine, a quarterly 12 year old magazine focusing on play and playground issues,
problems, play equipment, health and safety, design, manufacturing, construction process, organization and companies.
National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA)
Playground Safety Page - NRPA’s mission is to advance parks, recreation, and environmental conservation efforts that
enhance the quality of life for all people.
ASTM International
Formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM is a globally recognized leader in the development
and delivery of international voluntary consensus standards. This link takes you to the results of a search for the word, "playground," on the ASTM website.
International Playground Equipment Manufacturer's Association (IPEMA)
IPEMA provides 3rd party Product Certification services for U.S. and Canadian public play equipment and public play surfacing materials in the U.S.
This link takes you to their main website, where you may navigate to either the IPEMA or Voice of Play section.
Canadian Association of Playground Practitioners (CAPP)
CAPP is a voluntary non-profit organization, comprised of experienced individuals, sharing the common goal of the
promotion of appropriate playground environments.
US Rubber Mulch One of two new online resources for the recycled rubber mulch playground safety surfacing material which has been
referred to within this website with the best fall safety providing up to 100% better impact attenuation than other recycled rubber mulches! It eliminates the need for almost constant inspection and maintenance, which most other surfaces require to maintain proper safety.